Insect Knock Knock Jokes

List of 25 Insect Knock Knock Jokes

Discover our funny collection of knock-knock jokes about insects! Buzz into laughter with our insect knock-knock jokes, perfect for kids, teens, and adults alike. From butterflies to beetles, our humor is as diverse as the insect world. Time to laugh until you're buggy, hop onto our comedy hive now!

Showing all 25 insect jokes

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Anna who?
Anna-ther mosquito!
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Abby who?
A bee just stung me!
Submitted by: Mark
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Achilles who?
Achilles mosquitoes with a swatter!
Submitted by: Roary
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Amoeba who?
Amoeba dumb, but I'm not crazy.
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Amos who?
Amos quito just bit me, boo hoo!
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Amos who?
A mosquito bit me!
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Ana who?
Another mosquito.
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Ants who?
Ants in your pants!

More funny Insect Knock Knock Jokes below

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Cass who?
Cass more flies with honey than vinegar!
Submitted by: Connie
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Honey bee.
Honey bee who?
Honey bee a sweetie and get me some chips.
Submitted by: SpongeBob
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Larva who?
I larva you!
Submitted by: Joey
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Omar who?
Omar Goodness - tons of mosquitos!
Submitted by: Banjo
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Roach who?
Roach out and touch someone!
Submitted by: Theodore The Great
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Roach who?
Roach you a letter, did you get it?
Submitted by: Curious George
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Termite who?
Termite's the night!
Submitted by: Kimber
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Yetta who?
Yet another mosquito.
Submitted by: Luke Skywalker
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Yulla who?
Yulla catch more flies with honey than vinegar!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Abbey who?
Abbey stung me on the nose!

More hilarious insect jokes below

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Amos who?
Amosquito. Now what’s with the insect screen here?
Knock, knock!
Who’s There?
Ant Who?
Ant you glad to see me?
Submitted by: N0
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Beezer who?
Beezer in your hair, ahhhh!!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Bumblebee who?
Bumblebee cold if your trousers fall down!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Honey bee.
Honey bee who?
Honey bee a dear a let me in!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Honey bee.
Honey bee who?
Honey bee a dear and get me some juice.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Spider who?
Spider what everyone says, I like you!

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